What is the difference between a Meyers Lemon & a Bearss Lemon?πŸ‹

What is the difference between a Meyers Lemon & a Bearss Lemon?πŸ‹

What is the difference between a Meyers lemon and a Bearss lemon?
We get asked that question a lot.
Meyers lemon has thin skin and is easy to juice for making lemonade. It is sweeter than most other varieties and actually said to be a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange.
Meyers lemon trees are also more cold hardy than other varieties of lemon and bear fruit year round, making it a popular choice.
Bearss lemon has thicker skin and is more tart but actually contains more juice. This is the variety you are likely to be buying at the grocery store.
We currently have both in stock in multiple sizes. Come get your pick today!
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