How do you keep squirrels out of fruit trees?

How do you keep squirrels out of fruit trees?

How do you keep squirrels out of your fruit trees? 🐿️
We get this question a lot.
At the farm, our lovely animal friends keep most little guys away, but here are some recommendations if farm animals aren’t in your plans….
1. You can plant a hedge of mint, marigolds, nasturtiums, or mustard near your fruit trees. They don’t like the smell.
2. You can make your own squirrel deterrent spray using hot pepper, peppermint, or spearmint oils. You must be sure to spray every couple days & refresh after each rain.
3. You can setup a feeding area away from your trees to fill them up so they’ll be less likely to eat your fruit. They like corn cobs, nuts, seeds, & as you know…. fruit. 😂
Hope this helps!
-ALOD Farm Team
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